Monday 1 April 2013

Regular visits

The box is visited by the same pair of blue tits a few times every day. The pattern is usually the same: the male enters and calls the female. Sometime later the female enters and the male flies out at the same time. 

Male calling female into the box, 25 March 2013 9:00am

Outside the box, I have seen the blue tit chasing off a (much bigger) great tit when it was in a bush near the birdbox. The great tit didn’t confront the angry blue tit and just flew off. Although the great tit would likely win any fight, apparently it doesn’t think it was worth it…

Note1:  after I have made the box opening narrower, great tits cannot enter anymore. I have seen them pecking at the opening trying to enlarge it but of course without success (metal).

Note2: I’m now again running the camera regularly with a higher framerate and with sound to capture the calls. The downside of this is that I cannot use motion detection so it can only be done when I’m present.