On this blog I will report on the developments in and around a bird box that I put in my garden last summer. Of course I hope that in the spring a couple of birds will make it their home to raise a family!
Originally I never intended to make a blog or anything like that. But when in November a few birds started to show interest in it as a place to roost and I started to observe some interesting things, I felt a need to document it. I thought keeping a blog could be a good way to do this. This has the added benefit of being able to share it with friends in an easy way, though I would be surprised if anyone would actually bother looking at it....
Thank you for visiting and enjoy the fascinating life of some birds in my garden!
I will bookmark this blog. However a little sullen detail about daybirds, it´s still a good idea and relevant to my interessents. I will keep this blog in gates.