There have been a few relatively quiet days in the birdbox recently and that makes me worry a bit since the time for blue tits to start building a nest starts around now. Something should happen within the next two weeks or so….
Anyway, today there were several visits to the box and one of the visits was a female that was clearly looking for a nest site. While still outside the box she looked very fluffy with her down feathers puffed up. I read somewhere that this is typical female behaviour during breeding time.
While in the box she made the typical female wriggle moves with her wings spread out and she was occasionally pecking the bottom of the box, a thing the females do to test the wood of a potential nest site. There was no male around at that moment.
By the way, these recordings have sound! I can only do that if I start the recording manually and do the video compression manually otherwise the sound goes completely out of sync. So it’s a lot of work, but very nice to have if there are going to be babies later on…
3 April 2012, 13:49
3 April 2012, 13:49
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